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Global Learning®

GL®Global Learning® method considers each participant of the educational process as an individual, because it takes into account the different teaching types. The essence of this method is the holistic approach to teaching and learning and the fact that it entirely reflects the innovation, competence and knowledge of our experts.

Global Learning® is entirely a product of several years of research, experience and successful work with various modern teaching methods by Glotta Nova's pedagogues and experts in different fields. This method considers each participant in the learning process as an individual, allows for various learning types and is, therefore, tailored to the individual's needs. The essence of this method is its holistic approach to teaching and learning, and all in all it reflects innovation, expertise and knowledge of our experts.

Global Learning® is based on a combination of different methods and techniques, such as suggestopaedia, thinking patterns, mental training, quantum learning and neurolinguistic programming.

Participants learn through conversations, demonstrations, explanations and various activities (role-play, performance skills, communication games, creative writing, etc.). They are actively involved through individual, pair or group work and in close contact with the topics. Furthermore, global learning stimulates a natural way of learning in its authentic environment, taking place in a relaxed atmosphere. The advantages of this kind of learning are greater brain efficiency, immediate use of what has been learned, learning numerous practical skills functional both in private and professional life, development of communication skills (self- confident performance, effective presentation, fluent speaking, creating a good atmosphere) and group-work skills. Participants learn through immediate experience and on received feedback.

Global learning has been taught at Glotta Nova since 1992. In 1995 Glotta Nova registered the trademarks Globalno učenje® and Global Learning® in Slovenia and in the territory of the European Union.

In 1994 we extended the method to foreign language teaching, and a complete programme for the education of foreign language teachers was prepared. This includes: aims and purpose of the programme, contents, description of methods and types of activities, group size, duration and organisation of courses and related material.

The 200-hour training course lasts throughout the academic year. It includes 80 hours of theory, 40 hours of habilitation, 40 hours of assisting and 20 hours of consultations. So far, 80 trainers of foreign languages have been educated.

In 1997 we also prepared a programme to qualify trainers in rhetoric and based on the Global Learning® method, 15 trainers were educated.

Since 1999, as part of the Andragogic course, we have been training our own trainers and lecturers for various education programmes in companies and institutions.

Throughout these years, more than 8,000 people have attended foreign language courses through the Global Learning® method at Glotta Nova, more than 3,000 have taken part in rhetoric classes, and more than 15,000 have attended other programmes (seminars / coaching / NLP). Evaluation questionnaires at the end of courses, and the high level of loyalty of participants and clients is only further confirmation of how Global Learning® is successful, respected and popular as a learning method.

In 2003 we held a trial Global trainer training programme. In 2004, based on the Global learning method, we qualified two groups of our own trainers (23 trainers) to conduct educational programmes for the needs of companies.

For our achievements in the field of education we have received a special award by the Andragogic centre of Slovenia.
Global Learning® as a method has been presented on various occasions: every year at the Life-long Learning Week and Open- door week at Glotta Nova, at the international educational meeting ARION organised by the Andragogic centre of Slovenia in Ljubljana. The method is regularly presented to students of English, German and Spanish of the Faculty of Philosophy in Ljubljana. It was presented also in the Tower Hamlets College in London, and at ARION's educational meeting in Sweden and to numerous foreign experts on their visits to Slovenia.

A special group of experts is involved in further development of the method and its adjustment to the specific needs in Slovenia.

We are prepared to give a presentation of the method on the premises of Glotta Nova or on your premises.


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