Know HowWe have the following own brand names /trade marks/:
- Globalno učenje® (Global Learning®), the accelerated method for adult learning and teaching, which we are successfully using in conducting seminars and workshops, foreign language studies, and in learning about learning…,
- Andragoški praktikum® (Andragogical Practicum®), a programme for training teachers in adult education,
- Strategije genijev® (Genius Strategies®), a programme for developing creativity and learning skills /creativity in learning/,
- Hipno sproščanje® (HS®) (Hypno Relaxation®, HR®), a programme of relaxation in a very short period of time through self-hypnosis,
- ADEC® - Adult Educator in Company, a training programme for in-house trainers, instructors, coaches and mentors that will satisfy the needs and requirements of today’s companies and organisations,
- NLP Praktik v zdravstvu™ (NLP Practitioner in Health™), a complete educational programme for medical and pharmaceutical staff,
- NLP Praktik za najstnike™ (NLP Practitioner for Adolescents™), a programme for improving adolescents' awareness of self and others,
- NLP Poslovni Praktik™ (NLP Business Practitioner™) in NLP Poslovni Mojster Praktik™ (NLP Master Business Practitioner™), a business oriented version of programme NLP Practitioner / NLP Master Practitioner,
- NLP Učitelj™ (NLP Teacher™), an international programme for teachers,
- NLP English Teacher™, an international programme for English language teachers.